The idea behind this article is to help you understand the various types of drawing templates that are used in a number of industries, especially construction. Construction drawings are very important to every aspect of construction and there are some drawings that provide critical information to ensure safety and success.
Site drawings
Site drawings are a key part of any construction project, because they allow you to visualize exactly how everything will fit together.
There are several different types of site drawings:
- Site plan: A simple drawing that shows the boundaries of your property, as well as any existing structures and features. It also includes information about the location of utilities (e.g., water, gas, sewer) and other important features (e.g., driveways or fences).
- Topographic map: Shows the topography of your site with contour lines and elevation changes marked in various colors or hues to indicate how high or low each area is compared to its neighbors. This helps you understand how much excavating or grading will be required to get from one point in your yard to another—and whether any parts of your house might be too close to a floodplain if there’s heavy rainfall or snowmelt during construction!
- Setback sheet: Shows how far away from property lines (or other features like fences, etc.) certain parts of the house must be built in order for it not block out sunlight/air flow/etc. This way you’ll know if there’s any chance that trees or shrubs
Floor plans
Floor plans are the most common type of construction drawings. They show the layout of a building floor by floor, including all of the walls and doors. Floor plans can also include information about how much space is available on each floor, as well as any special features that might be present.
Floor plans are used in the early stages of construction, when the exact dimensions of the structure are not yet known. They are also useful for determining whether a proposed design will fit within certain constraints (such as building codes).
Foundation plans
Foundation plans are used to show the layout of the foundation, including where the footings will be placed and how deep they will go. The foundation plans also show where any pipes or wires will be installed and what type of material will be used for the foundation. It’s important to have these plans drawn up by a professional who understands exactly what you want and can make sure everything is done properly.
Floor framing plans
Floor framing plans are one of the most important drawings in construction, as they show how your home’s floors will be built.
These plans typically include:
- The dimensions and shape of all walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors and other structural components
- The materials that will be used to construct each component
Roof framing plans
Roof framing plans are the drawings that show how a roof is going to be constructed. They can be used for single-family houses, multi-unit apartment buildings, or commercial buildings. These drawings will specify the dimensions of all the pieces of wood needed to build the roof and where they should be placed.
Exterior elevations
Exterior elevations are a type of construction drawing that demonstrates the appearance of a building from the outside. The image shows all four sides of the building, as well as its roof.
The exterior elevation is one of the most important elements in creating a construction drawing because it gives you an idea of how your building will look once it’s completed. You can use these drawings to determine whether or not the proposed design fits within your budget and schedule requirements.
Building sections
Building sections are one way that construction drawings can be broken down into smaller pieces. A building section shows one side of an entire structure, or part of a structure, with all its elements included in detail. It allows you to see how everything fits together and allows for easier communication between different companies involved in the project.
These are the most common types of construction drawings.
I hope that this article has allowed you to learn more about the different types of drawing templates available to you in construction. It is important that you are able to use these templates to your advantage and build them into your business’ workflow as much as possible. Using a template when you can is a great way to streamline the part of the architectural process. This will allow you to get more projects done, allow for an easier overview of any particular project, and provide an element of consistency for all of your drawings, something that clients love.