As more consumers continue to be health and environmentally-cautious, organic products’ popularity has steadily risen in the modern era. While shopping, you probably stick to organic food, cosmetics, and skincare products, among others, as an effort to avoid the pesticides and other chemicals. One area that might not initially hit your thoughts, however, is the bedding. You could be focused on concerns such as the visual appeal, forgetting that the bedding’s material also counts. With the readily available 100% organic bedding, it is now easier to adopt an environmentally friendly and healthier lifestyle. Organic bedding, compared to conventional counterparts, offers numerous benefits. Among the top benefits are;
Healthier option
Conventional bedding uses lots of harsh chemicals from growing stage, harvesting, processing the material, and manufacturing. These chemicals are not only unhealthy for the farmers and manufacturers, but the final consumer as well. Chemical additives such as wrinkle-resistant treatments mean that your bedding releases formaldehyde. Including the chemicals and detergents can significantly affect your sleep quality, not to mention health, especially for individuals with allergic reactions and sensitive skin. Organic bedding is hypoallergenic as the processing doesn’t involve detergents and harsh chemicals, meaning that you won’t have to worry about respiratory or skin reactions.
Conventional bedding traps heat, leaving you feeling sweaty. In addition to the chemicals that could cause irritations, synthetic bedding exposes you to a myriad of uncomfortable situations that could significantly affect your sleep quality and quantity. Organic bedding is naturally breathable, wicking away moisture and keeping you cool throughout the sleeping period. With a soft feeling, moreover, organic bedding offers superior comfort. The warm and cozy effect makes organic bedding an ideal choice, facilitating quality and healthier sleep time.
Organic textile provides quality products due to the growing, harvesting, and the manufacturing process. Conventional growers use a load of chemicals while growing, harvesting machines that lead into impurities such as seeds and oil, and more chemicals to clean the harvest for manufacturing readiness. These affect the quality of the bedding, compared to organic that delivers cleaner and quality products. Handpicked organic materials don’t require chemical additives to clean, and with friendly measures such as cleaning with hot water and vegetable-based soaps, consumers enjoy quality bedding.
Organic bedding is stronger and can stand wear and tear. Conventional bedding processing exposes the materials to lots of chemicals that weaken the fiber.
Caring for Mother Nature might not be on top of your thoughts while shopping for bedding. However, it would help if you considered it, a concern that organic bedding addresses. Organic production consumes less water. As chemicals such as harmful pesticides aren’t utilized, it is an ideal solution that doesn’t leave a huge carbon footprint, consequently helping to keep the planet safer.
Organic bedding has a lot of benefits to offer. By sticking to organic production, you get to help keep the world healthier and safer, as the chemical use that could even enter the food chain, such as through water run-off, is reduced.